Empty garden bed and walkway

Making a Hellstrip Garden Part 2

Making a New Mostly Native Plant Hellstrip Garden Part 2 Why hello. Back at it again. I am digging out holes today and planting the allium purple sensation and daffodil replete. These are what my holes are looking like. Got them all over the place. Let me show you my little tool and how I’m

Making a New Mostly Native Garden Bed Part 3

Making a Hellstrip Garden Part 3

Making a New Mostly Native Plant Hellstrip Garden. Part 3   Welcome to video three. That means I am finally done. I hope you like the video. If you do, don’t forget to hit that like and subscribe button. Okay, here we are again. This is what we’ve got so far. I got this edged

Making a hellstrip garden

Making a Hellstrip Garden Part 1

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